Actionable Insights

Vehicles become brands. Too often, people focus on what something looks like, and not what it does. WPP started off as a means to build something, and over time became known for what it did.

Long term games. WPP's strategy did not deviate, even if the tactics shifted. Across a long enough time horizon, it looks genius.

Buying over building. Sorrell used acquisition as a strategy to scale WPP, and is running a similar playbook at S4 Capital. One is not necessarily better than the other, but it does look different.

There's a lot of talk about building conglomerates, buying companies, making acquisitions. This week, I want to talk about someone who did it, and reshaped an industry. Someone who referenced themselves as being "as tall as Napoleon", and shared his appetite for conquest and domination. Martin Sorrell.

Nothing and no one grows on accident. It's all intentional and specific.

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