At its core, diligence is a process of investigation, verification, and exercise of care that a person or business takes before entering into any agreement or contract with someone or something else.

Diligence is something we all do, consciously and unconsciously. There is no escaping it. We use our judgment to assess people, our surroundings, and how we feel. It is not simply a business concept; it is a function of the way we think.

For us, we define it a little differently:

Due dilly (verb): the act of, researching, testing, and understanding the what and the how of something, and the elements behind it, while ensuring the necessary sauce is present.

The truth is, you've been doing dilly your entire life:

  • Knowing which bodega makes the best chopped cheese
  • Copping that end table
  • Using the bathroom before you get on a flight because you know the airline bathroom is trash
  • Telling your friends to go to that function versus that other one
  • When they tried to play you on your last salary at that job, so you hit Payscale, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to become a negotiation savage for the next one
  • You’re not with your ex. (we love that for you, but still, you DILLY’d them at some point)

Behind every transaction you have ever heard of, every headline you’ll read this month, and every big money announcement, is a stack of documents, squirreled away in a hard drive on an obscure computer. Those documents are what we want to see.

Often, what we see is not necessarily everything that happened, it’s just what was spoken. Our intention with Due Dilly is to widen that view, so you can see how it happened, which can bring more clarity to what you already knew. Too often we only see our opportunities by what someone did, but there are tons of hidden players that make things move and shake.

We see the effects of diligence everywhere, in everything, all the time. Done well, it helps find opportunities where others may overlook. We also see what happens when diligence gets ignored, often to the complete destruction and damage of anyone involved. In that regard, the game is the game.

We believe there is, and should be, a middle ground. Many of the stories we hear, we know, we see ourselves in, have much more to them than meets the untrained eye. That is where we try to place Due Dilly: the nuance between what we see and how it happened. We want to make that gap a little less puzzling.

At our core, we want to understand how things work, and what influences the ways those come together, to affect what we think we know.

Our Commitments:

We take our work and craft seriously. We believe that it's a privilege to engage with people’s attention, and as such, we will never put our name behind anything that does not.
Writing well helps us clarify our thinking, and say what we see clearly. Listening helps us never be so obsessed with our point of view, that we cannot change our minds.
When we’re wrong, we’ll tell you. When we make a mistake, we’ll correct it. 
We cite everything.
We have BIG fun.

What Due Dilly is Not:

Stock picks. There's enough people trying to finesse your brokerage account as it is.
We don’t have and will never have a course. There’s enough people trying to sell you that, you truly don’t need another one.
The answer to all of your money problems. We have so many professionals out there doing the work. Hire them, because in every topic we cover, a professional was likely involved. 

We’re glad you’re on this ride with us. We promise to only give you our best and make it worth your time.

Take care of yourself out here and do your dilly.

Carl & Jonathan